Awareness and Improvement Courses
The International Willems® Federation regularly organises or coordinates days or courses open to the general public.
Here is an inventory of the sessions held in the first half of 2023.
3 days: 5 February / 19 March / 23 April
A successful experimental organisation!
Each day proposed 3 themes in parallel in the premises of the Maîtrise of the Primatiale St-Jean-Baptiste de Lyon. The participants had the choice between Singing Direction, Piano Harmony and Body Movement, led respectively by Nicole Corti, Christophe Voidey and for the movement, Béatrice Chapuis-Westphal, Juliette Beauviche and Anne Martin.
A great deal of freedom was given for registration, ranging from one day to three days (in a package) with the possibility of changing the theme from one time to the next.
This flexibility allowed us to welcome 14 people in February, then 19 in March and finally 21 in April. With some people coming several times, a total of 27 people took part in these days.
An assessment at the end of the day, bringing together the three groups, helped to create links between them all and gave several of them the desire to go further in a training process.
Sainte-Anne d’Auray
From 13 to 14 March 2023: 12 hours of lessons
Thibaut Louppe presented the Willems® pedagogy to choirmasters from Brittany.
The 13 people present particularly appreciated his multiple skills as a pedagogue and organist. He gave two lessons to children in primary and secondary school, highlighting the importance of the permanent balance between the particular attention given to each child individually, and the dynamics of the collective in the service of music.
Amongst the testimonies collected, some expressed an interest in engaging in a more substantial training.
18th March 2023
María-Ángeles Pérez-Lancho was welcomed at the Hiruki music school in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the Netherlands. She presented the Willems® pedagogy to 10 people present at the school, to which were added 9 people via video-conference.
She gave two introductory and solfeggio lessons to students trained by Aleix Mañosas.
Among the participants were people who were new to the Willems material, while others, graduates or those in training, came to update their practice.
From 20 to 21 May 2023: 12 hours of classes
The ‘Antón García Abril’ music school will welcome Eulàlia Casso i Samsó for two days of awareness-raising.
From 15 to 17 April: 12 hours of classes
Franca Bertoli-Cividino and Ugo Cividino presented the Willems® progression over 3 days in Sardinia, in Cagliari.
25 people attended this course with interest.