Willems® Certificate for Musical Initiation

2024/25 > Only open to 2nd year students – LYON – France

Does your activity have an educational and/or pedagogical and/or therapeutic aspect?

The Introduction to Willems® Musical Initiation and the Willems® Certificate for Musical Initiation are designed for music-loving educators and teachers who wish to supplement their teaching practices with early childhood or people with disabilities with an active component related to music, or as personal development.

This programme follows the pedagogical content of the Certificate in terms of general knowledge of the Willems® progression, with intensive practice of the first level based on singing and movement.

Following the first year of in-depth awareness, the second year involves active pedagogical practice by the participants in their usual working environment, in order to test and realise the elements presented in the first year.

It leads to the Willems® Certificate for Musical Initiation.

This programme is aimed at anyone who can incorporate elements of music education into their professional, educational or therapeutic practices, without being a professional musician.

It can be used in a wide variety of settings: crèches, schools, retirement homes, hospitals, leisure centres, prisons, psychiatric and palliative care centres, etc.

No prior musical ability is required to follow the 1st year.

However, to take the 2nd year, you must have a minimum level of musical training in reading and writing and basic instrumental practice:

  • Admission to the course is based on an application accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae and a letter of motivation.
  • Knowledge of music theory must be demonstrated by basic musical studies.
  • Students registered for the IMW Introduction may decide during the year to continue in the 2nd year of the IMW Certificate if they meet the above conditions and if they add the summer course to their registration.

The course takes place over 2 years, with a total of 70 hours (group and individual) given in the form of days during the school year + an intensive summer course based on a schedule drawn up in advance.

  • Year 1 / Introduction and Certificate 1: 24 hours of lessons (6 x 4h) + 20 hours of work experience if continuing on to Certificate 2 (summer work experience / national meeting)
  • Year 2 / Certificate 2: 40 hours of lessons (8 x 5 hours) + 1 hour of individual assessment + 5 hours of written and oral exams

The Introduction to Willems® Musical Initiation and the Willems® Musical Initiation Certificate Training prepare students to practice and master the two levels of musical initiation established by Edgar Willems.

Obtaining the certificate entitles the recipient to claim mastery of the basics of the ‘Willems® Method’ and marks his or her ability to give 1st and 2nd degree Willems® lessons.

The programme includes the following chapters:

1. Musicality :
  • Full aural development (qualities of sound, sound movement, melodic and harmonic intervals, 3-tone chords and intratonal space)
  • Sense of rhythm and metre, basic polyrhythm, body movement and rhythmic improvisation
  • Vocal culture, singing, proposing a repertoire of songs and acquiring the discernment to develop one's repertoire, melodic sense, free improvisation, modal or tonal.
    Introduction to practical vocal harmony.
  • Basic music theory and simple rhythmic and melodic dictation (2nd year certificate)
  • Musical listening
2. Pedagogy :
  • Fundamental pedagogy course, covering topics relating to music, music education and the psychology of the child in musical action, based in particular on the written work of Edgar Willems.
  • Observation of practical lessons (live with children or on video), pedagogical progression of musical initiation (first and second degrees), this progression also being tested on oneself.
  • Throughout the course, joint work on video extracts of practical lessons provided by the participants and filmed as part of their activity (2nd year Certificate).
Rates for individuals - 2023 > 2025 in France and Spain

Trainees practising in IWF member schools as Associate Members benefit from a 10% discount on the course fees.

As an example, here are the fees for these courses in France and Spain for the years 2023 > 2025:

Total cost of Willems® Music Initiation TrainingIndividual
Introduction WMI : Training fees + Management fees375 €
WMI Certificate - 1st year: Tuition fees + Summer course + Administration fees585 €
WMI Certificate - 2nd year: Tuition fees + Exams + Administration fees745 €
+ Annual membership payable by trainee: €20 (€15 for students on presentation of proof)
Total WMI Certificate training (1st and 2nd year)1.330 €

(Prices subject to change)

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