Associate members

Associate Members of the IWF are associations or legal entities whose structural and pedagogical project is based on the pedagogical principles advocated by Edgar Willems.
The organization of their courses presents the 4 degrees of Willems® music education, and the teachers in charge of these courses are Willems® graduates or in the process of Willems® training.
What are the benefits?

How much does it cost?
The annual membership fee is 50€ + 1€ per student.
It is valid for one year following the school year of the country concerned.It overlaps the calendar year, from September to August.
To allow an updated calculation according to the number of registered pupils, the membership fee must be paid in November.

Do you work in a school that promotes the Willems® pedagogy? Following your Diploma, you have created your own structure to be able to fully implement a pedagogical programme based on the Willems® pedagogy, or you wish to do so?
Contact the IWF to join! You will benefit from its pedagogical expertise and its administrative and statutory experience.
Our associate members

Spanish members

French members

Italian members