Willems® International Choir

A meeting of passionate young singers
A meeting of passionate young singers

Created in 2013 after an initial meeting based on Bach’s St Matthew Passion at the Lausanne Congress in 2012, the WIC is made up of young people aged between 10 and 20 from Willems® schools across Europe. It meets once a year in one of the young people’s home countries: France, Spain, Italy and Slovenia.

Led by young professional choral conductors from Europe’s leading choral schools, the WIC enables these young singer-musicians to undertake musical and artistic programmes on a scale not easily accessible to the schools that train them on a day-to-day basis.

The WIC also aims to provide young people with experience of vocal technique and stage performance by top-level professionals.

The specific and recognised quality of the concerts is largely due to the Willems® musical education and training work that these young people have been following in their respective schools for at least 2 years.

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