The trademark


… ® Registered trademark* ?

‘Willems®: a registered trademark

La Fédération Internationale Willems® a déposé le nom de WILLEMS® en 2009 auprès d’un organisme international. L’usage de ce nom dans le cadre de l’éducation musicale est donc soumis à son approbation préalable. Valable 10 ans, ce dépôt a été renouvelé en 2019.

What are the reasons for this?

There are at least 5 reasons for this choice:

  • Enhancing the value of the Willems® name: a label of this kind, which has a not inconsiderable cost, guarantees that the use made of it is in line with the values and objectives of the music education programme advocated by Edgar Willems.
  • Promotion of the Diplomas and Certificates awarded by the FIW following long and demanding professional training courses.
  • To promote organisations that use the Willems® pedagogy in their programmes, enabling them to highlight their experience and high standards in the field of music education.
  • To encourage exchanges between organisations that use the label and officially practise the Willems® pedagogy. These organisations are invited to become Associate Members of the FIW and to form an integral part of its Artistic and Pedagogical Committee – CAP.
  • To monitor the use made of the Willems name and, if necessary, demand that it be withdrawn from a programme or advertisement if it is found that the specifications are not met. The FIW is entitled to take legal action before international courts for misuse of the registered trademark.

How to use the Willems® name?

Even if it is free of charge, any use of the name ‘Willems®’ without authorisation from the FIW may give rise to proceedings for misuse.
To date, FIW has never engaged in such proceedings, as we prefer to convince rather than condemn. But misuse can also be detrimental to other organisations. This is why we remain vigilant.

The recognition of this label should be specified by adding the ® to the name ‘Willems’, i.e. ‘Willems®’. to the name ‘Willems’, i.e. ‘Willems®’.

The purpose of this label is not to limit the dissemination of Edgar Willems’ thought, on the contrary.
Rather, the FIW wishes to promote educational, philosophical and artistic reflection based on the ideas of Edgar Willems by bringing together people and organisations who share his ideas and contribute to their realisation.

Become an Associate Member of the FIW

Organisations wishing to offer Willems® Music Education courses are therefore invited to contact the FIW to become an Associate Member. The FIW will then be able to support their actions by networking them with other local and international structures and relaying them on its website.

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