Willems® Professional
Didactic Diploma

Are you already a Willems® graduate and would like to learn how to pass on this teaching method?

One of the main aims of the International Willems Federation® is to train teachers who have mastered the practice of musical education according to Edgar Willems' pedagogical proposal, in order to offer as many people as possible the possibility of personal and social fulfilment through music.

The training of these teachers is a major challenge for the future of this international movement and requires the full attention of the FIW.

The Willems® ‘Didacticians’ are responsible for this transmission. They work closely together to coordinate the programmes and the necessary updates in line with developments in society and research.

The Willems® Professional Didactic Diploma entitles the candidate to train music education teachers according to Edgar Willems' pedagogical proposals, preparing them for the Willems® Diplomas and Certificate in Music Education awarded exclusively by a jury authorised by the International Willems® Federation.

Their scope of intervention is always defined by the FIW: either to intervene in the courses that it organises or that it delegates to its Delegate Members, or to intervene on an ad hoc basis and respond to external invitations.

This course is aimed at holders of the Diplôme Pédagogique d'éducation musicale Willems® who, after several years of practice and experience of the Willems® progression as a whole, are interested in passing on this pedagogy and concerned about its continued dissemination.

It encourages students to take a step back from their own practice, so that they are in a position to train autonomous and creative teachers who respect Edgar Willems' proposal, while helping to update it and make it relevant to today's world.

It is generally the FIW Board of Directors that solicits applications from people who have remained close to the Movement. However, applications can be sent directly to the secretariat with a letter of motivation.

The course takes place over 2 years, each of which includes :

  • 6 weekends linked to existing training courses (see international calendar).
  • 40 hours of didactic training in one or two sessions (locations and dates chosen jointly)
  • 1 conference or summer course

This course must be completed in its entirety and in accordance with the conditions laid down; no exceptions will be tolerated; if necessary, the course will be extended until it has been fully completed by the candidate.

  • 1st year: observation of lessons as assistant to a teacher-tutor in two different centres managed by the FIW, covering the three Willems® Diploma training modules (D1, D2, D3) and possibly the Willems® Certificate of Musical Initiation.
  • 2nd year: participation in classes with a teacher as tutor, also in the 3 training modules (D1, D2, D3) and possibly the Certificate.

At the end of each WE and during the 2 years, the tutor and the candidate teacher must devote 2 hours to sharing comments and specific personal work on the ‘technical’ subjects of the exam and the plan for a synthetic presentation of a teaching theme. Within a fortnight, the trainer candidate must write a detailed report on each weekend attended (content, know-how, observations of the group and the trainer, any suggestions).

  • Ability to present the teaching progression in practice and by level
    the development of fundamental teaching themes
  • The personal musical preparation required to lead training courses.
    Practical lessons with children and joint comments
  • Deepening and broadening of a general knowledge of philosophy, psychology and music
  • Preparation for the written and oral examinations for the teaching diploma.
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