Eulàlia Casso i Samsó

Vice-President Spain / Catalonia

Eulàlia Casso i Samsó, who has been practicing choral singing since childhood, trained as a choral conductor (Orfeó Lleidatà-À Coeur Joie; SCIC; Pierre Cao,…); she also obtained her professional singing diploma from Barcelona’s Liceu Conservatory.

After two years’ training in Lyon, she obtained the Willems® Music Education Diploma in 1990, and a few years later completed the didactic diploma with Jacques Chapuis; today she is a member of the FIW Training Team.

After working with a variety of organizations, in 1997 she founded Musicant, a music and instrumental education school in Barcelona in which choral singing plays a key role. In addition to children’s, teenagers’ and adults’ choirs, since 2012 she has been working with a choir of mentally handicapped young people.

As a teacher, she regularly conducts various courses and seminars to raise awareness and provide training in Willems® pedagogy for music school teachers and elementary school teachers.

She coordinates the Willems® Diploma training courses organized by FIW in Barcelona (Institut Dalcroze-Escola de música Llongueres) and Salamanca (Escuela Sirinx).

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