

Article 1: Official Declarations

a) Name

a.1 – On April 9, 2011, the International Association of Willems Music Education became the “International Willems Federation® – Music Education Movement”, referred to by the abbreviation “F.I.Willems®.

b.2 – History: On August 25, 1968, an “International Association of Music Education Teachers using the Edgar Willems Method” was established in Switzerland, governed by articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.

On June 29, 1975, the Association adopted a new name: “International Association of Willems Music Education” in accordance with the provisions of the French decree-law of April 12, 1939, equated since 1981 with the law of 1901 governing non-profit associations.

On August 27, 1976, it was registered at the Prefecture of Moselle (France) under the number 248/76.

On September 29, 1976, it was registered in the Register of Associations at the District Court of Metz under volume LII number 37.

b) Headquarters

b.1 – Address:

On April 4, 2009, the headquarters were transferred to LYON. Any transfer of the headquarters is subject to the decision of the Board of Directors.

b.2 – History:

On June 29, 1975, the Association’s headquarters were transferred to Metz (France): 1 avenue Henri II, Le Ban-St-Martin 57000 Metz. On July 13, 1980, the headquarters were transferred to Lyon: 23 Résidence Les Grandes Bruyères, 69260 Charbonnières Les Bains. On July 3, 1986, the headquarters were transferred to St-Genis-les-Ollières: 23 rue du Cornet, 69290 St-Genis-les-Ollières. On July 20, 1998, the headquarters were transferred to Dommartin: 2285 route des Bois, 69380 Dommartin. On July 24, 2006, the headquarters were transferred to St-Genis-Les-Ollières: 6 rue du Guillot, 69290 St-Genis-Les-Ollières.

Article 2: Objectives

Its aim is to promote the development and international influence of the work of Professor Edgar Willems in the field of music education through:

  • Implementing actions of information, awareness, and training;
  • Bringing together music education stakeholders of all nationalities and all ages, whose activities fall within the educational proposal of Edgar Willems, promoting their development and exchange of experiences, practical and pedagogical adjustments, and intercultural friendly ties;
  • Providing artistic, pedagogical, and administrative support for projects submitted to it;
  • Enhancing and respecting the registered trademark “Willems®” based on the specifications annexed to these statutes. As such, the International Willems Federation® is the only body authorized to issue diplomas corresponding to the various training courses organized by it or in its name.

The Federation refrains from any political or religious activities. The duration of the Federation is not limited.

Article 3: Composition of the FEDERATION

The Federation consists of active members, supporting members, associate members, delegate members, and honorary members. All members receive information published by the Federation free of charge. A membership card is sent to them annually as a receipt for the payment of the membership fee.

a) Active Members

Certified and qualified teachers of the Willems® method, music teachers, kindergarten and primary school teachers, educators or re-educators, doctors, psychologists, or other practitioners who are inspired by Professor Edgar Willems’ method are admitted as active members of the Federation, after payment of the annual fee.

b) Supporting Members:

Individuals who support the objectives of the Federation by paying an annual fee higher than that of active members are admitted as supporting members.

c) Associate Members:

Legal entities that declare their adherence to these statutes and are approved by the Board of Directors, such as schools, vocal and instrumental ensembles, musical associations, etc., are admitted as associate members of the Federation.

The statutes and internal regulations of associate members must be in harmony with these statutes, taking their provisions into account.

Associate members are represented by a member of the concerned association mandated for this purpose. They pay an annual fee proportional to their number of members.

d) Delegate Members:

Legal entities recognized by the Board of Directors, after review of their application file, for being logistically and pedagogically capable of assuming the training of teachers and accepting the terms of the specific agreement, are admitted as delegate members of the Federation.

The statutes and internal regulations of delegate members must be in harmony with these statutes, taking their provisions into account.

Delegate members are represented by a member of the concerned association mandated for this purpose. They pay an annual fee proportional to their number of members.

e) Honorary Members:

Individuals to whom the Board of Directors awards the title for exceptional services rendered to the Willems® Movement are admitted as honorary members of the Federation. Honorary members are exempt from paying fees.

e) Membership Fees:

The amounts of the annual membership fees for various categories of members are decided by the Board of Directors.

f) Exclusion:

Membership in the Federation is lost:

  • by resignation;
  • by removal for non-payment of the fee for two consecutive years after reminders;
  • for non-compliance with commitments as defined in these statutes. Removal is pronounced by the Board of Directors after considering the explanations and, if necessary, hearing the concerned member.


The bodies of the Federation are:

a) The General Assembly;

b) Two Representative Bodies:

  • The Board of Directors and its Bureau;
  • The Artistic and Pedagogical Committee;

c) The Account Auditors.

Article 4: The General Assembly

a) Composition:

The General Assembly is composed of:

  • the members of the Board of Directors and its Bureau;
  • active and supporting members up to date with their annual fees;
  • representatives of associate and delegate members up to date with their annual fees;
  • honorary members;
  • account auditors.

b) Competencies:

The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Federation.

It is convened in writing by the President at least once every two years, with a minimum of three months’ notice, in a city or country determined by the Board of Directors.

It can be convened at the request of 2/3 of its members.

The Bureau of the General Assembly is that of the Board of Directors.

The Assembly hears the reports on the management of the Board of Directors, particularly on the financial and moral status of the Federation.

The General Assembly deliberates on the issues listed on the agenda set by the Board of Directors, elects new members of the Board of Directors or renews their mandates, approves the accounts, votes on the budget, and decides on the orientation of activity programs.

Activity reports and annual accounts are sent to all Federation members who request them.

c) Decisions:

Decisions are made in the General Assembly where all members present have an equal voting right. Votes are conducted by secret ballot.

Decisions are made by a majority of the votes of the members present or represented, and within the framework of the agenda. In case of a tie, the President’s vote is decisive.

An absent member may be represented by a written proxy given to a present member who will vote on their behalf. No one can represent more than one absent member.

An absent member may also vote by mail on essential matters concerning the evolution of the Federation (excluding routine matters) based on the agenda attached to the General Assembly notice. The ballots are then counted on the day of the Assembly.

d) Official Language:

The official language of the General Assembly is French. A translation service is provided for members who do not understand this language. Members may make their speeches and communications in their respective languages.

Article 5: Representative Bodies

5.1 – The Board of Directors and its Bureau

a) Composition:

The Federation is managed by a Board of Directors (BD).

It is composed of at least 15 members. Any new member co-opted by the BD must be presented to the General Assembly for election.

The duration of mandates is 4 years, renewable, with each term beginning and ending at a General Assembly.

Eligible members include active members, supporting members, associate members, delegate members through their representatives as defined in Article 3, and recognized personalities from the artistic world and civil society.

The delegate appointed annually by the Artistic and Pedagogical Committee as defined in Article 5.2 is an ex-officio member.

The elected members of the BD are renewed by half every two years. All members of the BD must be of legal age and enjoy their civil and political rights. The BD is composed of representatives of at least three different nationalities.

b) The Bureau:

The BD selects among its members, by secret ballot, a Bureau composed of at least 6 members: a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and an Assistant Secretary.

The BD Bureau is elected for 2 years, renewable.

Its role is to ensure coordination among the different bodies, prepare BD meetings, and oversee the implementation of activity programs.

It meets upon the President’s call whenever circumstances require. However, certain decisions within its competence can be made through written consultation, either among the Bureau members or among all the Board members.

The Bureau is assisted by two Mission Officers mandated by the BD.

c) Functions:

The President directs the General Assembly debates, BD meetings, and Bureau meetings. He presides over events organized by the Federation.

The President represents the Federation in all civil acts and is vested with full authority for this purpose. He authorizes expenditures. He may delegate his powers to a duly mandated BD member for this purpose.

The Vice-Presidents assist or, if necessary, replace the President when prevented. In such cases, they are vested with the same powers.

The Treasurer is responsible for managing the Federation’s assets and maintaining the accounts. He makes all payments, receives revenues under the President’s supervision. He records and countersigns all invoices justifying the expenses of the BD and Bureau members. He oversees financial management (bank relations, insurance, monitoring delegation of signature and authority). He is assisted by an Assistant Treasurer, elected from the BD members, who replaces him in meetings when prevented.

The Secretary is responsible for drafting, approving, and distributing all minutes and reports of Bureau meetings in an operation register as well as all minutes and reports of BD meetings in a special register. He is responsible for keeping the two cited registers up to date.

He controls membership registrations and updates the member list. He manages attendance and participation lists for BD and GA meetings. He is assisted by an Assistant Secretary, elected from the BD members, who replaces him in meetings when prevented.

The two Mission Officers are mandated by the BD: one to coordinate training activities (training centers, workshops), the other to coordinate all other events organized by the Federation.

d) Operation:

The Board of Directors meets at least before each General Assembly, or at the President’s call, or at the request of at least one-third of its members.

The BD is vested with the broadest powers to perform or authorize any actions not reserved for the General Assembly.

BD decisions are made by a majority of the members present or represented, either by a written proxy to one of the present members or by a vote by correspondence on proposals from the Bureau. The presence or representation of at least half of the BD members is necessary for the validity of the debates.

Any BD member who has not attended two consecutive meetings may be considered to have resigned.

Deliberations are only validly taken on issues previously listed on the agenda. Minutes are kept of the meetings. The minutes are signed by the President and the Secretary and recorded in a special register, including the agenda and attached documents.

e) Powers:

The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers within the limits of the Federation’s objectives and within the framework of the resolutions adopted at the General Assemblies. It coordinates the Federation’s activities.

It authorizes and supervises the management of the Bureau members and requires them to report on their actions. In the event of serious misconduct, it may suspend Bureau members by secret ballot.

It decides and delegates to the Bureau the opening of all bank accounts, controls the use of funds, and solicits grants. It may delegate authority to the President or a Bureau member.

The BD may also delegate authority to a member or a third party for a specific mission. In this case, a mission letter specifies the nature, scope, duration of the mission, and the extent of the powers conferred.

f) Internal Regulations:

The internal regulations are drawn up by the Bureau and approved by the BD. They are subject to ratification by the next GA following their approval. They are recorded in the Bureau’s operation register and can be consulted by all members up to date with their dues. These regulations are intended to evolve to allow the internal functioning of the Federation without altering the statutes.

g) Tasks:

The Board of Directors strives to make known and disseminate the ideals, work, and method of Professor Edgar Willems® as well as the activities of The Federation through press articles, reports, and information by radio, television, internet, before, during, and after the General Assemblies, congresses, workshops, courses, conferences…

h) Exclusion:

The status of a member of the Federation’s Board of Directors is lost:

  • by resignation;
  • for non-compliance with commitments as defined in these statutes.

Removal is then pronounced by the Board of Directors by a secret ballot vote after considering the explanations and, if necessary, hearing the concerned member, ratified by the next General Assembly.

5.2 – The Artistic and Pedagogical Committee

a) Composition:

It brings together, in unlimited numbers, the representatives of associate members and delegate members, designated by their respective associations. The President and the Mission Officer/Training are ex-officio members of the Committee.

b) Functions:

The Committee elects from among its members a Delegate responsible for representing it on the Board of Directors. This Delegate is elected for two years, renewable.

c) Operation:

The committee’s work takes place according to guidelines set by the Board of Directors. It meets at the Delegate’s call.

d) Tasks:

The Committee is intended for exchange between member structures. It constitutes a forum for reflection and proposal of regional, national, and international projects. It is the intermediary body between the BD and the members of each structure.


Article 6: Activities

The Federation may organize independently or by commissioning a delegate member as defined in Article 3, improvement or continuing education courses wherever they are deemed necessary or complementary in the form of weekends, workshops, meetings, or congresses.

The training courses are at three levels and allow for obtaining:

  1. The Certificate of Musical Initiation;
  2. The Pedagogical Diploma of Music Education;
  3. The Professional Didactic Diploma.

The programs and conditions for obtaining these titles are subject to specific regulations, approved by the General Assembly, annexed to these statutes.

Members and non-members may attend or participate in these activities: conferences, courses, practical lessons devoted to musical initiation, pre-solfège and pre-instrumental music education, solfège teaching, instrumental teaching, choral singing practice, music teaching in schools, music therapy, pedagogical and professional training, and everything related to it, based on philosophical and psychological foundations and their relationship with the work, ideal, and memory of Professor Edgar Willems.

The program may also cover comparative studies of updated methods.

Presentations and communications concerning the presentation of new practical improvements, complementary theoretical works, editions of books and music likely to interest Federation members, may be presented by the members themselves (also in the form of communication) or by speakers invited by the BD.

Article 7: Resources

a) Federation Resources:

They are provided by:

  1. Membership fees: active, supporting, associate, delegate members;
  2. Grants;
  3. Donations.

The amounts of the annual membership fees and participation fees for activities organized by the Federation are set by the BD on the Bureau’s proposal, according to the goals and objectives to be achieved each year.

b) Federation Accounting:

A day-to-day accounting of income and expenses is kept to record all financial transactions. The fiscal year normally runs from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.


Article 8: Signatures

The Federation is bound to third parties by the combined signatures of the President or a Vice-President, with the Secretary or the Treasurer.

Article 9: Account Auditors

The Federation’s accounts are verified by two active members appointed by the General Assembly and belonging to the same country as the Treasurer.


Article 10: Amendment of the Statutes

The statutes can only be amended by an Extraordinary General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Directors or at the request of at least ¼ of the members composing the General Assembly.

In both cases, the proposed amendments must be included at the latest on the agenda of the next General Assembly, which thereby becomes extraordinary.

This agenda and the text of the proposed amendments must be sent to all Assembly members at least 15 days in advance.

The statutes can only be amended by a majority of 2/3 of the members present or represented.

Article 11: Dissolution

The dissolution of the Federation can only be pronounced by an Extraordinary General Assembly specially convened for this purpose under the conditions provided for in the previous article.

Dissolution can only be decided by a majority of 2/3 of the members present or represented.

In the event of the Federation’s dissolution decided by the Extraordinary General Assembly, the remaining assets will be allocated to an association pursuing equivalent objectives.

These statutes were adopted by the General Assembly on April 9, 2011, in LYON. They take effect immediately.

The Secretary Réjane VOLLICHARD

The President

Christophe LAZERGES

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