Willems® Pedagogy
Supervised Practice

>> Open on request

The ‘Supervised Practical Pedagogy’ training module is aimed at anyone wishing to improve their practice in the field of 4-level Willems® music education, whether they are in the process of training or upgrading their skills.

It can also be an opportunity for the trainee to be placed in a professional situation for the first time, with a view to his or her future work in music education.

The Willems® pedagogy requires very specific know-how in its practical implementation. Those interested in teaching music education according to these principles often struggle to make the transition from theory to practice due to the lack of local support over a long period of time.

Experience has shown that personalised support with practical classes is an extremely useful, if not indispensable, complement to effective professional practice for pupils and fulfilling work for teachers.

The training is given on Wednesdays from November to June, excluding school holidays - zone A (Lyon Academy), on the premises and with the students of the Willems® Ryméa School - Lyon 6th arrondissement.

This training totals 94,5 hours over the school year, at a rate of 3.5 hours per week over 27 weeks.

All training hours take place in the presence of the training supervisor, including progressive independent practice.

The trainee is placed under the responsibility of a tutor who holds the Willems® Professional Didactic Diploma. The tutor gives the weekly lessons in the trainee's presence and gradually assigns chapters of the course to the trainee. All sessions are followed by a time for debriefing and preparing for the next sessions.

  • OBSERVATION: To teach trainees how to observe groups of pupils aged between 3 and 10 in real music education work situations
  • DEVELOPING IMPLEMENTATION: Putting parts of lessons into practice, with the trainee leading specific sequences chosen and prepared in advance with the course leader.
  • TOWARDS COMPREHENSIVENESS: Complete a lesson in its entirety by following the various chapters that it must contain, according to defined lesson plans, in the presence of the course leader.
  • RETURN ON EXPERIENCE: Each half-day of the course will include time for exchanges between the trainee and the course leader; formatting the notes taken during the observation periods and the content of the exchanges to move on from practice to conceptualisation.

Summary of total training costs - SPP moduleIndividual
Educational costs2 225€
Management fees50€
Membership fee - WFI membership20€
Total Training - SPP module2 295€

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