Willems® Training Courses

2-year training courses

In 2021, the FIW reorganised its various training cycles to respond to the various contexts concerned by the Willems® pedagogy, from musical initiation in early childhood to instrumental teaching in music schools.

All the training cycles culminate in examinations leading to Diplomas, which remain optional, the main thing being the training itself.

Potentially interested parties are identified throughout the year (with the possibility of drawing up quotes for employerfunding). A review of the list of contacts is carried out in June-July for the coming season, and a reminder and enrolment campaign is launched at the beginning of September, with training starting between the end of October and the beginning of January.

Yellow Cycle

Towards the Willems® Certificate of Musical Initiation

2-year course - 70 hours of lessons over 6 and then 8 days a year + 20 hours of summer courses

Pedagogical training for people wishing to add a musical, artistic and human dimension to their professional experience.

This course culminates in the Certificate examinations (optional). Open to non-professional music lovers.

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Blue Cycle

Towards the Willems® Pedagogical Diploma for Music Education

2-year course - 254 hours of lessons over 8 weekends a year + 2 summer courses

In-depth pedagogical training enabling students to gradually master all the material, from musical initiation to advanced and professional solfeggio. It is aimed at qualified music teachers or those in training, working in conservatoires and municipal or community music schools.

The course culminates in the Diploma examinations (optional).

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Indigo Cycle

Training for
Teaching Musicians

Training over 2 years - 140 hours of lessons divided into 4 courses

This course is aimed at professional concert musicians who are also teachers, and who wish to gain an in-depth and practical understanding of Edgar Willems' original contribution to their art.

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Green Cycle

Towards the Willems® Pedagogical Diploma for Musical & Instrumental Training

2-year course - 254 hours of lessons over 8 weekends a year + 2 summer courses

This new course offers an original and original approach aimed at instrumentalists and teachers wishing to deepen their teaching practice by taking into account all the elements of musical training required to train complete musicians: performers, improvisers, ... artists!

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Purple Cycle

Towards the Willems® Didactic Professional Diploma

This course is aimed at qualified teachers who have been working for some time and who wish to share their teaching experience by committing to the Willems® course at all the levels described above.

This course takes place over 2 years, in conjunction with the other courses, plus 2 annual internships.

Applications selected on the basis of a portfolio.

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Red Module

Supervised practical training
On-site training

This module is aimed at students in training who can attend weekly classes in an associated school under the supervision of a teacher-trainer.

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