Willems® Pedagogy Course Barcelona 18 > 21.07.24

18 > 21.07.24 – BARCELONE

# What for?

“A lively, innovative approach to music-making”.

The Willems® approach is based on the psychological relationships that exist between music, human beings and the surrounding world.

The study of their constituent elements and their respective ordinances has enabled the development of a progression that is directly inspired by them and respects them.

The development of the musical language is similar to that of the mother tongue.

It is an active musical education that calls on receptivity, impregnation and reproduction, but also on self-expression and inventiveness.

The objectives…

  • Discover the Willems® Pedagogy, its principles and progression.
  • Deepen and update your knowledge of this approach and this specific teaching method.
  • To provide tools for expansion in musical practice and professional activity at the physical, affective and cognitive levels.
  • To share teaching experiences in a variety of contexts, showing how the Willemsian teaching approach can be adapted to suit the parameters of the activity.

On the programme…

Public lessons – Practical lessons:
Introduction to 1st and 2nd levels of musical initiation / 3rd level practice / 4th level practice

Practical workshops:
Keyboard harmony / Rhythm & movement / World music & Willems® music education / From pre-instrumental to instrumental beginnings / Music at school / Progression of elementary musical training over 4-5 years / Choral conducting / Physical, musical & instrumental improvisation

– Common time for choral singing



Cet évènement s’adresse aux membres de la Fédération Internationale Willems® mais également à toute personne mélomane et pédagogue désirant connaître la proposition pédagogique d’Edgar Willems.

– Pour l’Introduction / aux musiciens, étudiants, professeurs, éducateurs, professionnels de la petite enfance, intervenants musicaux dans divers contextes – scolaire, hospitalier, carcéral… – comme aux simples mélomanes.

– Pour les Cursus Formations / aux participants suivant un des cursus de formation Willems® (Cycle Jaune/Certificat – Cycle Bleu/Diplôme)

– Pour le Perfectionnement / aux personnes ayant déjà effectué une formation aux Diplômes Willems® et souhaitant poursuivre leur formation et actualiser leurs connaissances.


– Days: Thursday 18 July – 10:00 to Sunday 21 July – 14:00

Timetable / Schedule: The course comprises 20 hours of lessons (excluding breaks) spread over 4 days as follows:

> Day 1: Thursday 18.07 / 10:00-14:00 + 15:30-20:00 (6.75 hours)

> Day 2: Friday 19.07 / 10:00-14:00 + 15:30-20:00 (7 hours)

> Day 3: Saturday 20.07 / 10:00-14:00 (2.75 hours)

> Day 4: Sunday 21.07 / 10:00-14:00 (3.5 hours)

Site : Salesian Residence Martí-Codolar – Av. del Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 15 – 08035 Barcelona (GoogleMaps)

Prices: Introduction/Perfectionnement 370€ (full price) or 305€ (reduced price: FIW member-student-jobseeker) / Cursus Formations 210€.

Information / Registration: contact@fi-willems.org / +33 (0) / +34 686.472.116

The registration form must be completed, signed and returned by e-mail before 12 July to