Christophe Voidey

Christophe VOIDEY completed his musical studies in his home town at the Besançon Conservatoire in piano, chamber music, musical training, harmony and counterpoint.
As soon as he finished his general studies, he took an interest in teaching and perfected his musical training with Michelle-Odile Gillot and Aline Holstein.
His piano teacher Lucette Touzet introduced him to the Willems® movement during summer courses in Lyon. The Willems® Congress in Antwerp in 1984 was a revelation for him; he discovered teaching very young children, music therapy and instrumental teaching. Above all, he was deeply influenced by the artistic personality and influence of Jacques Chapuis. Improvisation and practical harmony represented a new source of enrichment and personal development.
He took the Willems® Pedagogical Diploma course in Paris and Lyon, and regularly attends EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) conferences and courses.
Since 1990, he has worked as a collaborator on Willems® training courses in Irigny, Saint Genis les Ollières, Dommartin, Paris, Namur, Barcelona, Madrid, etc.
A teacher at the Willems® Ryméa School of Music in Lyon between 1990 and 1996, he became Director of the Irigny School of Music in 1995. He divides his teaching activities between musical initiation, musical training, piano, choirs, instrumental ensembles and schools, taking a very global approach to the transmission of music.