This site in 5 languages presents in detail the fundamental principles of Edgar Willems’ pedagogical proposal, as well as the activity of the FIW for the training and improvement of music teachers in France and throughout the world. All italic characters are clickable.
Willems® awareness campaign in Barcelona 7/8 October 2023
Presentation of the Barcelona Awareness Raising Course on 7 and 8 October 2023.
Initial feedback from the 39th International Willems® Congress
First echoes of the 39th International Willems® Congress
Numbers from the 39th Willems® International Congress and WIC
Some numbers to introduce the 39th International Willems® Congress and the 10th meeting of the Willems® International Choir in Udine – Italy, in July 2023.
Musical listening at the 39th International Willems® Congress
Presentation of the works listened to during the morning sessions at the 39th Congress.
Why come to the 39th Willems® Congress?
Here are 5 good reasons to register for the 39th International Willems® Congress in Udine!
Registration 39th Willems® Congress Instructions for use
All you have to do is fill in the registration form i Here are detailed instructions…