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IWM: musical moment #1
For this first musical moment of the Rencontre Internationale Willems®, on Wednesday 21 July at 11:30 a.m., at the Internat des Chartreux, Julien PELLEGRINI offers […]
Biography of Julien PELLEGRINI.
IWM: musical moments #2 & #3
For these two musical moments, Anne-Catherine VINAY proposes the “Goldberg Variations” by J.-S. Bach, on harpsichord, in two times, on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 […]
Véronique BOUILLOUX Passionate about music since her childhood, in all its forms: violin, viola, ancient music, singing, choir, song, rock/metal, traditional music, oriental music… Very […]
IWM: musical moment #4
For this last musical moment of the International Willems® Meeting, on Sunday 25 July at 11:30 am, at the Internat des Chartreux, Magali PEROL DUMORA, […]