Brazil 2022 Willems® Congress

French on-line registration form – Clic here


FROM 25 TO 29 JULY 2022

WELCOME from 1pm to 3.30
CONCERT from 4pm to 5.30pm

Are you a musician, an animator, eager to transmit your passion?
Are you a music teacher who wants to broaden your field of experience and reflection?

The Willems® 2022 Congress opens its doors to you in Salvador-Bahia / Brazil for 5 days of meeting, discovery and active and artistic musical pedagogical practice.

Trois Three entities are combining their strengths and experience to offer you a programme of more than 30 hours of classes, workshops and concerts:

  • The IWF – International Willems® Federation – Lyon / France
  • IEM – Institute of Musical Education – Salvador Bahia / Brazil
  • NEOJIBA – Núcleos Estaduais de Orquestras Juvenis e Infantis da Bahia – Salvador Bahia

For more than 50 years, the IWF has been organising courses to raise awareness of the Willems® pedagogy and train teachers, mainly in Europe, as well as in Colombia and Brazil, where a Congress was held in 2009 in Salvador.

IEM, created in 1992 by Carmen Mettig Rocha, IWF Vice-President for Brazil, is a music school that bases its pedagogical programme on the Willems® methodology for children from the age of 3.

NEOJIBA, created by the pianist Ricardo Castro in 2007, aims to offer instrumental and/or vocal music training to young people in Salvador who are farthest from educational structures, following the example of the “El Sistema” movement in Venezuela.

These three structures have a common goal: to provide and promote musical education for children and young people inspired by humanist principles for the development of the socially integrated human being.

Musical education can begin in a structured way from the age of 3, as at the IEM, and naturally also with young people who start later, as at NEOJIBA.
One of the particularities of Edgar Willems’ pedagogical proposal is that it can be adapted to any age and any situation, provided that the stages of progression are well known.

For more than 50 years, the IWF has acquired a recognised expertise in this field.
This Congress will be led by a team of highly experienced French artist-pedagogues, each in their own field, all steeped in and inspired by the Willems® pedagogy.

Through presentations of lessons with children, practice workshops and time for exchange between participants, the programme of more than 30 hours will allow people who are not familiar with this pedagogical approach to discover it in detail and in practice, and for experienced teachers to broaden their field of action and reflection.

his Congress will be led by a team of highly experienced French artist-pedagogues, each in their own field, all steeped in and inspired by the Willems® pedagogy:

Benjamin LUNETTA, counter-tenor, Director of the Willems® Ryméa school in Lyon, specialist in children’s vocality and the body presence of the artist-musician.

Thibaut LOUPPE, organist, choirmaster and composer, Chapel Master of the St-Jean-Baptiste Cathedral in Lyon, great improviser with a passion for transmission.

Magali PEROL-DUMORA, soprano, soloist in numerous opera productions, singing teacher at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Genève, specialised in vocal work for adults, regular contributor to the Willems® Training Courses..

Christophe LAZERGES, pedagogue-musician, specialist in Willems® pedagogy, trainer for the IWF with whom he relentlessly spreads his great experience of musical and instrumental education from babies to professional musicians.

Each speaker will lead 3 daily workshops in succession:

  • Workshop A: 10:00 / 11:00
  • Workshop B: 11:30 / 12:30
  • Workshop C: 14:00 / 15:00

Participants must choose a workshop A, a workshop B and a workshop C, among the 4 proposed for each time slot.
Each workshop will develop a progression throughout the 5 days.
It is appropriate to follow the same workshop 5 days in a row.
For example: A1 / B4 / C3 or A2 / B1 / C4 … except A2/B2 and B4/C4 (same content).

  • A1. Practice of the pedagogical principles of the 1st and 2nd Willems® degrees – Christophe Lazerges
    To experience for oneself some of the key elements of this pedagogical progression is essential to understand its meaning. Very concrete workshop for auditory sensoriality, melodic sense through singing, rhythmic sense through clapping, audio-motor synchronisation through body movements.
  • A2/B2. The musician’s bodily presence – Benjamin Lunetta
    Music is invisible and impalpable, but it requires a very physical body to be realized. To inhabit the musical gesture by a complete and global bodily presence is essential to link musical thought, artistic sensitivity and concrete realisation. This is what the participants will experience for themselves.
  • A3. Conducting a choir / initiation – Thibaut Louppe
    Conducting a choir means first of all bringing together individualities for a common achievement. The conductor must have an idea of what he wants to hear. The gesture cannot be reduced to a technique of beating, starting and stopping. It depends on this thought. Then it has every chance of being inhabited to lead the musical phrases and the cohesion of the group. 
  • A4. Vocal technique for teenagers – Magali Perol-Dumora
    A delicate period in the lives of young people aged 12 to 16, adolescence upsets physical and vocal references. Through physical and concrete practice, singing can help develop self-confidence that is often in question.
  • B1. The beginnings of reading and the instrument – Christophe Lazerges
    The first objective of this workshop is to get to know the stages that allow expressive musical reading from the beginning, from relativity to the absolute, and then to carry out this reading on the instrument. Secondly, we will present the four complementary chapters of instrumental practice following the Willems® pedagogy: playing by ear, reading at first sight, repertoire and memory, improvisation.
  • B3. Choral conducting / advanced – Thibaut Louppe
    Specific work on colour, different styles according to the periods…
  • B4/C4. Vocal technique for adults – Magali Perol-Dumora
    Open up avenues for personal vocal work, in small groups, to discover one’s voice and increase one’s pleasure in singing. Vocal technique is not an end in itself, it is a means of musical expression which generally serves texts and is addressed to an audience.
  • C1. Improvisation in all its forms: Rhythmic / Melodic / Harmonic – Christophe Lazerges
    It is not when you “know” that you can start to improvise, it is by improvising that you learn. We will experience with the participants the multiple aspects of this learning in action, through experimentation, and the interest of enriching this improvisation with elements of consciousness.
  • C2. Children’s vocality – Benjamin Lunetta
    Vocality is a little known dimension of singing for children. However, it completely changes the impact of singing on the child himself: by directing his voice through his ear, by singing with his whole body and not just his vocal cords, by trying to give the best of himself, the child enters another dimension, that of the malleable colour of sound, for his greatest pleasure!
  • C3. Improvisation and harmony in choir – Thibaut Louppe
    Improvisation is very little practised in choir, because it is often associated with an individual “gift”. Similarly, harmonic awareness is generally reserved for advanced students of composition.
    However, there are many ways of discovering and experiencing these two aspects of musical practice collectively, which the participants will discover in this workshop.

The capacity of the NEOJIBA site is 200 participants, of which 40 places are reserved for NEOJIBA teachers.
There are therefore 160 places available according to a progressive rate depending on the registration date:

  • Until April 30: 50 places at R$ 550
  • From 1st to 15th May: 35 places at R$ 625
  • From 16 to 31 May: 25 places at R$ 700
  • From June 1st to July 25th: 50 places at R$ 750

Possibility to pay the balance in several instalments, depending on the registration date:

  • Until 30 April: in 3 instalments = April / 31 May / 30 June
  • From 1st to 31st May: in 2 instalments = May / 30th June
  • From June 1st to July 25th: in 1 instalment on July 15th

Secure online payment.

  • By SEPA transfer to IWF’s account at the Banque Postale: see RIB below. (free of charge for the IWF, free of charge for the sender in France – to be checked depending on the bank, possible charges for some banks outside France – consult them)
Titulaire du compteFédération Internationale WillemsBanqueLa Banque Postale
IBANFR65 2004 1010 0715 9448 4H03 810BICPSSTFRPPLYON
RIB Fédération Internationale Willems
  • By PayPal transfer (from 3% to 5% of the amount in fees for the FIW)

Accommodation and meals are not covered by the congress organisation..

For your accommodation

We have obtained cultural rates at the Intercity Salvador Hotel, located 10′ drive from the Congress venue:

Reservations should be made (by phone or e-mail) directly with the hotel: Willems Congress Agreement (NEOJIBA).

The rates are as follows, daily rates with breakfast and wi-fi:

  • R$ 224,00 + 5% ISS em SGL
  • R$ 249,00 + 5% ISS em DBL
  • R$ 310,00 + 5% ISS em TPL

Responsible – Roberta
71 3038-7200

For meals

You will find food trucks nearby, perhaps even in the Parque do Queimado.
We are also looking into the possibility of ordering a lunch tray in the morning and having it delivered the same day for lunch.