Willems® Congress Brazil 2022
Are you a musician, a facilitator, eager to transmit your passion?
Are you a music teacher who wants to broaden your field of experience and reflection?
The Willems® 2022 Congress opens its doors to you in Salvador-Bahia / Brazil for 5 days of meeting, discovery and active and artistic musical pedagogical practice.
Three entities will combine their strengths and experience to offer you a programme of more than 30 hours of classes, workshops and concerts:
- The IWF – International Willems® Federation – Lyon / / France
- IEM – Institute of Musical Education – Salvador Bahia / Brésil
- NEOJIBA – Núcleos Estaduais de Orquestras Juvenis e Infantis da Bahia – Salvador Bahia
For more than 50 years, the IWF has been organising courses to raise awareness of the Willems® pedagogy and train teachers, mainly in Europe, as well as in Colombia and Brazil, where a Congress was held in 2009 in Salvador.
IEM, created in 1992 by Carmen Mettig Rocha, IWF Vice-President for Brazil, is a music school that bases its pedagogical programme on the Willems® methodology for children from the age of 3.
NEOJIBA, created by the pianist Ricardo Castro in 2007, aims to offer instrumental and/or vocal music training to young people in Salvador who are farthest from educational structures, following the example of the “El Sistema” movement in Venezuela.
These three structures have a common goal: to provide and promote musical education for children and young people inspired by humanist principles for the development of the socially integrated human being.
Musical education can begin in a structured way from the age of 3, as at the IEM, and naturally also with young people who start later, as at NEOJIBA.
One of the particularities of Edgar Willems’ pedagogical proposal is that it can be adapted to any age and any situation, provided that the stages of progression are well known.
For more than 50 years, the IWF has acquired a recognised expertise in this field.
This Congress will be led by a team of highly experienced French artist-pedagogues, each in their own field: the voice, the musical body, improvisation, harmony, all impregnated and inspired by the Willems® pedagogy.
Through presentations of lessons with children, practice workshops and time for exchange between participants, the programme of more than 30 hours will allow people who are not familiar with this pedagogical approach to discover it in detail and in practice, and for experienced teachers to broaden their field of action and reflection.
The capacity of the NEOJIBA site is 200 participants, of which 40 places are reserved for NEOJIBA teachers.
There are therefore 160 places available according to a progressive rate depending on the registration date:
- Until April 30: 50 places at R$ 525 / about € 100
- From 1st to 15th May: 35 places at R$ 620 / about € 115
- From 16 to 31 May: 25 places at R$ 670 / about € 125
- From June 1st to July 25th: 50 places at R$ 750 / about € 140
Amounts rounded off on the basis of an exchange rate of 1 € = 5,23 R$, on March 25th 2022.
Minimum deposit of R$ 100 at registration.
Possibility to pay the balance in several instalments, depending on the registration date:
- Until 30 April: in 3 instalments = April / 31 May / 30 June
- From 1st to 31st May: in 2 instalments = May / 30th June
- From June 1st to July 25th: in 1 instalment on July 15th
Secure online payment.
You can register now at the following address: congresso-brasil2022@fi-willems.org
For more information, go to: https://fi-willems.org/congress-en/
More general information can also be found on the IWF website, partially translated into Brazilian Portuguese https://fi-willems.org/en/ and on the IEM website https://musicaiem.com.br and NEOJIBA website https://www.neojiba.org/neojiba.php?lang=pt.