Echoes of the IWM – Lyon July 2021

Echoes of the RIW – Lyon July 2021

This Willems® International Meeting was a sort of mini-congress given the number of speakers (14). It brought together more than 50 people in Lyon from 20 to 25 July 2021.
The 40 participants from Germany, Belgium, Colombia, France, Spain, Italy, Quebec, Portugal and Switzerland were able to take advantage of the lull in the pandemic and follow, during this very dense meeting
3 conferences, 5 concerts, 8 lesson presentations (mainly in video), 16 practical workshops, 1 round table and a double General Assembly, representing about 30 hours of presence in all.

For the details of the programme, we refer you to the General Presentation document and to the numerous articles presenting the workshops, concerts, conferences and speakers, always online on the Published articles page.

The lectures and the minutes of the General Assemblies will be published later.

Here is a slide show of the week, with extracts of the concerts at the bottom of the page…
Photos : Maryline Fourré.

Echo from the 5 concerts