RIW Opening Conference, by Nicole Corti
Tuesday 20 July 2021 – 5.45pm at Les Chartreux and live webinar
At a time when culture is considered a right for all citizens, music is increasingly popular as a means of contributing to education, care, better living and living together.
Through singing and instrumental practice, it reveals us to ourselves. It teaches us to hear and reach out to others with an acuity that is all the more profound and familiar because it has been nurtured from an early age.
The Willemsian proposal is part of a long-term approach that participates in human development through the experienced, sensitive and conscious knowledge of the musical phenomenon.
This pedagogy questions, proposes and often transforms.
Nicole Corti , conductor and choirmaster, familiar with the Willemsian universe and current president of the FIW, invites us to a general reflection on the human, social and civic issues of music.
Registration for the Webinar “Opening Conference of the International Willems® Meeting”.