IWF General Assembly

IWF Ordinary General Assembly

Like all associations governed by the French law of 1901, the International Willems Federation® will hold its Ordinary General Assembly (triennial according to its statutes) during the International Willems® Meeting in Lyon on 23 July at 5.45pm. This OGA should have been held in 2020, but has been postponed due to the cancellation of our 2020 Meeting because of the pandemic.

The Order of the Day for the Ordinary General Assembly:

  1. Welcome by President Nicole Corti
  2. Moral report 2018, 2019, & 2020
  3. Financial report 2018, 2019, & 2020
  4. Elections to the Board of Directors
  5. Other business
  6. Conclusion

Extraordinary General Assembly of the IWF

This Ordinary General Assembly will start with an Extraordinary General Assembly with the following Order of the Day:

  1. The revision and updating of the Statutes.
  2. The reorganisation of the FIW training courses.

Presence and Videoconferencing

Thanks to the experience acquired by all our Members in the field of communication by videoconference, we will organise a Webinar allowing as many people as possible to follow and participate in the debates and votes.

It will be necessary to register by @mail upon receipt of the Official Convocation which will be sent to Members up to date with their 2021 membership fees.
If you have not already done so, it is possible (and recommended!) to pay your annual fee and join the FIW online on the site: Inscriptions / Membership.

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