IWM Workshops – International Willems® Meeting

This Willems® International Meeting is an opportunity to discover practices, exchange and share experience, and open up areas for improvement.
Participants must choose 2 workshops of 1h15 which will take place on the 4 afternoons from 2pm to 3.15pm for workshop A and from 3.45pm for workshop B.

  • Workshop A1 / Rhythm: body and instrumental percussion
    Workshop of practice and experimentation combining the impetus of the gesture, listening and anticipation of the sound, through more or less structured improvisation, either with body hits or with small percussion instruments, for collective and individual productions. 
    Instructor : Julien Pellegrini
  • Workshop A2 / Choral Conducting 
    To inspire spontaneous and qualitative collective singing on a vocal and expressive level.
    Reflect on the human and technical issues of conducting a choir or class. 
    The trainees alternate as singers and conductors.
    Instructors: Nicole Corti & Thibaut Louppe
  • Workshop A3 / From pre-instrumental to early piano
    Practical workshop with the participants to highlight the interest of the global pre-instrumental preparation of the 3rd degree Willems®, in particular with the chromatic chime, and the beginnings at the piano with the 4 types of playing: by ear, sight-reading, memory, and improvisation. 
    Instructor: Christophe Lazerges
  • Workshop A4 / Adult vocal technique
    Personal practice workshop for participants to discover the richness of the expressive potential of the sung voice, favoured by elements of vocal technique to be carried out individually and collectively, to arouse the desire to pursue this type of approach on a personal level and to energise one’s own pedagogical practice in music education.
    Intructors: Benjamin Lunetta & Magali Perol-Dumora
  • Workshop B1 / Body movement 
    This workshop aims to deepen this important element of musical education not only in the audio-motor relationship, but also beyond that in the perception of musical forms and the intuitive and global listening of the harmonic dimension.
    Instructors: Eulàlia Casso i Samsó, Javier Fernández-Ortiz, María-Ángeles Pérez-Lancho, Lucia Perez-Lemartret
  • Workshop B2 / The world of the baroque through singing and informed accompaniment in music education
    Workshop dedicated to the study of the baroque style through the fundamental contribution of the basso continuo, specific practice of the harmonic realisation of a bass on the keyboard as well as the enrichment of the melody through ornamentation and diminution. 
    Instructor: Anne-Catherine Vinay
  • Workshop B3 / Early string instruments 
    A proposal for an introduction to the violin, viola or cello, based in particular on improvisation, which allows the creation of a precious connivance with the instrument, and also imitation and immersion in collective practice, particularly through traditional music. 
    Instructor: Véronique Bouilloux
  • Workshop B4 / Children’s Vocality
    How to move from the classical learning of songs to the development of vocality, by combining the involvement of the body with the fine listening of physical and auditory sensations, and by soliciting the total participation of the singing being.
    Instructors: Benjamin Lunetta & Magali Perol-Dumora

– The 2 workshops (1 workshop A + 1 workshop B) are to be chosen from the selection above.
– The 2 workshops selected will be kept over the 4 days (no change possible).
– Please note! The number of participants is limited to 15 per workshop. Registrations will be made according to the remaining places and the date of registration. If a chosen workshop is full, you will be redirected to a second choice workshop.


If possible, the trainee will bring his/her own instrument.
Although the workshops are open to all trainees, some workshops are recommended:
> For the Initiation, the A1, A2 and B1, B4 workshops: more oriented towards the pedagogy of collective practice.
> For Training and Advanced Training, workshops A4 and B2: more oriented towards personal work.